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Thinking in C++, 2nd ed., Volume 2, Revision 3

©2000 by Bruce Eckel

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A: Recommended reading


Thinking in C: Foundations for Java & C++, by Chuck Allison (a MindView, Inc. Seminar on CD ROM, 1999, available at http://www.MindView.net). A course including lectures and slides in the foundations of the C Language to prepare you to learn Java or C++. This is not an exhaustive course in C; only the necessities for moving on to the other languages are included. An extra section covering features for the C++ programmer is included. Prerequisite: experience with a high-level programming language, such as Pascal, BASIC, Fortran, or LISP.

General C++

The C++ Programming Language, 3rd edition, by Bjarne Stroustrup (Addison-Wesley 1997). To some degree, the goal of the book that you’re currently holding is to allow you to use Bjarne’s book as a reference. Since his book contains the description of the language by the author of that language, it’s typically the place where you’ll go to resolve any uncertainties about what C++ is or isn’t supposed to do. When you get the knack of the language and are ready to get serious, you’ll need it.

C++ Primer, 3rd Edition, by Stanley Lippman and Josee Lajoie (Addison-Wesley 1998). Not that much of a primer anymore; it’s evolved into a thick book filled with lots of detail, and the one that I reach for along with Stroustrup’s when trying to resolve an issue. Thinking in C++ should provide a basis for understanding the C++ Primer as well as Stroustrup’s book.

C & C++ Code Capsules, by Chuck Allison (Prentice-Hall, 1998). Assumes that you already know C and C++, and covers some of the issues that you may be rusty on, or that you may not have gotten right the first time. This book fills in C gaps as well as C++ gaps.

The C++ ANSI/ISO Standard. This is not free, unfortunately (I certainly didn’t get paid for my time and effort on the Standards Committee – in fact, it cost me a lot of money). But at least you can buy the electronic form in PDF for only $18 at http://www.cssinfo.com.

Large Scale C++ (?) by John Lakos.

C++ Gems, Stan Lippman, editor. SIGS publications.

The Design & Evolution of C++, by Bjarne Stroustrup

My own list of books

Not all of these are currently available.

Computer Interfacing with Pascal & C (Self-published via the Eisys imprint; only available via the Web site)

Using C++

C++ Inside & Out

Thinking in C++, 1st edition

Black Belt C++, the Master’s Collection (edited by Bruce Eckel) (out of print).

Thinking in Java, 2nd edition

Depth & dark corners

Books that go more deeply into topics of the language, and help you avoid the typical pitfalls inherent in developing C++ programs.

Effective C++ and More Effective C++, by Scott Meyers.

Ruminations on C++ by Koenig & Moo.


Design Patterns

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Last Update:05/23/2000