Earth 2140 Gold Edition - Le Bottin des Jeux Linux

Earth 2140 Gold Edition

🗃️ Specifications

📰 Title: Earth 2140 Gold Edition 🕹️ / 🛠️ Type: Game
🗃️ Genre: Strategy 👁️ Visual: Free-roaming camera
🏷️ Category: Strategy ➤ Top-Down Fight of Units ➤ C&C, Dune, Warzone, ... 🏝️ Perspective: Bird's-eye view
🔖 Tags: Strategy; Action; Tactical; Real Time Tactics; Military; War; Mecha; Sci-fi; 1990s ⏱️ Pacing: Real Time
🐣️ Approx. start: 1997-01-01 👫️ Played: Single
🐓️ Latest: 1997-01-01 🚦 Status: 10. Unavailable (no status)
📍️ Version: Latest: - ❤️ Like it: 9. ⏳️
🏛️ License type: 💰 Commercial 🎀️ Quality: 7. ⏳️
🏛️ License: Commercial ✨️ (temporary):
🐛️ Created: 2014-04-19 🐜️ Updated: 2024-06-22

🚦 Entry status

📰 What's new?: 👔️ Already shown:
💡 Lights on: 💭️ New version published (to be updated):
🎨️ Significant improvement: 🦺️ Work in progress:
🎖️ This work: 4 stars 🚧️ Some work remains to be done:
👫️ Contrib.: goupildb & Louis 👻️ Temporary:
🎰️ ID: 14269

📖️ Summary

📜️[en]: A real-time strategy game, set in the 22nd century, on a conflict between the United Civilized States (UCS) and the Eurasian Dynasty (ED), for the exploitation of ultimate natural resources available and the domination of the world through 120 missions. It features more than 100 ground units, flying units, Mechas, and ships. 📜️[fr]: Un jeu de stratégie temps réel dont l'action se situe au 22ème siècle, avec un conflit opposant les États-Unis civilisés (United Civilized States, aka UCS) à la Dynastie Eurasienne (Eurasian Dynasty, aka ED), pour l'exploitation des ultimes ressources naturelles disponibles et la domination du monde au travers de 120 missions. Il met en scène plus de 100 unités terrestres, volantes, Mechas, et vaisseaux.

🎥️ Videos

🏝️ Trailer: (202xxx♺),

🎲️ Gameplay: (202xxx♺), (202xxx♺), (202xxx♺),

🐧 Linux plays: HOLaRSE,

🕸️ Links

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(empty, license): [Homepage] [Dev site] 🎬️ g(202xxx)

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📕 Description [en]

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After numerous wars and several environmental disasters, only two world powers remain; The United Civilized States (»UCS«)and the Eurasian Dynasty (»ED«). The damage caused by the long wars forced both world powers to evacuate the population to recently built underground cities. Natural resources are becoming scarce and have to be extracted above ground. There have been a number of small conflicts between the UCS and the ED, the last of which escalated and became a fierce and bitter war - the final world war. Only one side can win. This final war will decide who will get the last of the available natural resources and ultimately rule the world.


EARTH 2140 is a real time strategy game involving the high tech warfare of the 22nd century. More than 120 exiting missions, an unprecedented artificial intelligence, more than 100 ground units, Mechas, flying units and ships are at your command.

🌍️ Wikipedia:

Earth 2140 is a 2-D real-time strategy computer game created in 1997 by Polish-based Reality Pump Studios and published by TopWare Interactive (later acquired by Zuxxez Entertainment). Due to lack of publicity and marketing, the game was virtually unknown in the United States as well as Western Europe. It has two sequels, Earth 2150 and Earth 2160.

Although not popular in US and Western Europe, the game sold quite well in Turkey, as it was one of the few foreign games ever released with a Turkish language option.


As its name suggests, Earth 2140 takes place in the year 2140. Previous wars have left much of the Earth a nuclear wasteland, forcing most of the world's population into underground bunkers. Tensions rise between the Earth's two major factions, the Eurasian Dynasty (ED) and the United Civilized States (UCS), as both sides vie for the world's steadily dwindling resources. A UCS raid on an ED base is enough to ignite the rivalry into full-scale war as the ED fails in its bid to control Mexico and the UCS counterattacks Scandinavia, Great Britain, France, and the Iberian Peninsula.


The United Civilized States (UCS) controls all of North and South America and is a nation populated mostly by hedonists. As much work as possible is done by robots. Automated butlers are the standard in UCS households, even politics and war are left up to the machines. As such, UCS citizens are often portrayed by their detractors as decadent "pigs". A glitch in the upgrade of the UCS war processor GOLAN caused the giant robot to miscalculate the military strength of the Eurasian Dynasty, thus compelling it launch an attack on the ED. After losing several battles in Mexico, GOLAN quickly adapted to the ED threat and began to retake lost ED territory and win battles in Europe. The UCS is generally more technologically advanced than its adversary, employing robot infantry and automated bipedal combat vehicles (more commonly known as mechas).

The Eurasian Dynasty (ED) controls a wide swath of territory spanning Europe, North Africa, and much of former Russia. The antithesis of the UCS, the ED is run by an autocratic monarchy under the Khan Dynasty that often makes life harsh, short, and without luxury for its citizens. As the less technologically advanced of the two factions, the ED utilizes cyborgs, traditional vehicles such as tanks, and armed helicopters in its arsenal. Because of its technological disadvantage, the ED finds itself more often on the defensive throughout the Earth 2140 storyline.


Earth 2140 basically requires the player to complete various objectives, mostly destroying all opposing units and structures (or capturing them). Failure of missions happens when all the player's units are wiped out or a vital objective is not met. Structures are built by deploying mobile vehicles on suitable terrain. Mines used to fund the player with money for purchasing can only be built where ore is available. Materials used to gain funds at 1000 credits a piece are carried from a mine (or material on ground) by a BANTHA truck or Heavy Lifter and placed at the Refinery and converted into credits. Mines eventually finish when all ore is extracted.

Units and vehicles can be recruited from their respective factories. Each faction has four types of units, with an exception to the civils who don't serve any purpose but garrison. The player can create up to 5 queued units and even an infinite queue of the same unit. Unlike most strategy games, credits cannot be refunded when recruitment is cancelled and structures cannot be sold. In some missions it is possible for the player to call for reinforcements only once. Structures can only be removed with self-destruction. All structures except the Construction Center require power from power plants. Lack of power will cause buildings to operate slowly. Destruction of a power plant leaves a permanent scar on the terrain, which drains vitality of any units nearby. Certain types of buildings must be built to enable the player to build others and to recruit more types of units and vehicles, especially the Research Center. To capture an enemy structure, the player must send in enough units to overwhelm enemy units in garrison. Capturing the opposing faction's factories enables the player to make use of otherwise unavailable technology (depending on the research center progress). Guard towers and superweapon launchers cannot be captured. Most of the units and vehicles just move, attack and escort, but certain ones serve with special tasks such as mine laying, cargo carrying and others. Not every vehicle is land-based; Vehicles like submarines are sea-based and vehicles like helicopters are air-based. Air-based vehicles can travel anywhere on the map screen and while they are airborne can only be shot down by rocketry. A unique feature in the game is that a vehicle once disabled (easily accomplished with ion technology) can be reprogrammed to join the player using a HMCR repair vehicle.

📕 Description [fr]

Un jeu de stratégie temps réel impliquant une guerre de haute technologie au 22ème siècle, par le studio Reality Pump, portage Linux par le studio RuneSoft.

Earth 2140 Gold Edition est une ré-édition sous Linux du jeu éponyme (sorti en 1997), un jeu de stratégie temps réel dont l'action se situe au 22ème siècle, avec un conflit opposant les États-Unis civilisés (United Civilized States, aka UCS) à la Dynastie Eurasienne (Eurasian Dynasty, aka ED), pour l'exploitation des ultimes ressources naturelles disponibles et la domination du monde au travers de 120 missions. Il met en scène plus de 100 unités terrestres, volantes, Mechas, et vaisseaux.

Voir aussi / See also (Others Command & Conquer-like): Boswars, Commander Stalin, Earth 2140 Gold Edition, Warzone 2100, Z (1996), The Zod Engine,

Stratégie en temps réel - UNE GUERRE HI-TECH !

Après de nombreuses guerres et plusieurs catastrophes environnementales, il ne subsista que deux puissances mondiales; Les États-Unis civilisés (United Civilized States, aka UCS) et la Dynastie Eurasienne (Eurasian Dynasty, aka ED).
Les dommages causés par les longues guerres contraignirent ces deux puissances mondiales à évacuer la population vers des villes souterraines.
Les ressources naturelles se raréfièrent et durent être extraites du sol.
S'en suivi un certain nombre de petits conflits entre l'UCS et l'ED, dont le dernier s'intensifia jusqu'à devenir une guerre féroce et amère - la guerre finale mondiale.
Un seul des deux belligérants peut gagner.
Cette guerre finale décidera qui sera le dernier à exploiter les ultimes ressources naturelles disponibles et dominera le monde.


Earth 2140 est un jeu de stratégie temps réel impliquant une guerre de haute technologie au 22ème siècle.
Plus de 120 passionnantes missions, une intelligence artificielle sans précédent, plus de 100 unités terrestres, volantes, Mechas, et vaisseaux sont à vos ordres.

🌍️ Wikipedia:

Earth 2140 est un jeu vidéo de stratégie en temps réel développé par TopWare Interactive et publié sur PC par Interplay Productions en 1997. Le jeu se déroule dans un futur de science-fiction dans lequel deux factions s’affrontent pour les ressources naturelles d’une terre dévasté par un conflit nucléaire. Les deux factions se battent à l’aide de robots et de véhicules plutôt que d’humain, chacune d’elle disposant d’unités communes aux deux camps et d’unités spécifiques. Le jeu reçu un accueil mitigé de la part des journalistes spécialisés qui mettent en avant le manque d’originalité de celui-ci qui ne lui permet pas de se démarquer de la concurrence.

Le jeu a fait l'objet de plusieurs suites, la première - baptisée Earth 2150 - ayant été publié le 6 mai 2000.


Le jeu se déroule dans un futur de science-fiction dans lequel deux factions - Les États Civilisés Unis et la Dynastie Eurasienne - s’affrontent pour les ressources naturelles d’une terre dévasté par un conflit nucléaire.

Système de jeu

Earth 2140 est un de jeu de stratégie en temps réel dans la lignée d’Alerte Rouge et de Total Annihilation. Comme dans ceux-ci, le joueur doit gérer ses ressources, développer sa base et créer une armée pour combattre ses adversaires. Le joueur peut choisir d'incarner le leader d'une des deux factions du jeu - l’United Civilized States et l’Eurasian Dynasty – celles-ci se battant à l’aide de robots et de véhicules plutôt que d’humain. Chacune d'elles dispose d’unités communes aux deux camps et d’unités spécifique. Le jeu se distingue de ses modèles en incorporant un système de généraux auxquels il est possible d'assigner des unités pour qu'ils se concentrent sur un tâche précise comme attaquer ou défendre.

Plusieurs modes de jeu sont disponibles dans Earth 2140. La campagne solo du jeu est constitué de 25 missions pour chaque camps et il est également possible de jouer contre l'intelligence artificielle ou en multijoueurs sur l'une des 25 missions prévues à cet effet.

🕵️ Test [fr]

💡️ Commentaires généraux:
Le site Desura étant fermé, le jeu n'est plus disponible en version native (les sites Steam et GOG ne le proposent qu'en version Windows).
➯ statut jeu Linux perdu.

À noter que sa suite "Earth 2160" (pas encore dans le Bottin à la rédaction de ces lignes) bénéficie d'une version Linux.