Forced - Le Bottin des Jeux Linux


🗃️ Specifications

📰 Title: Forced 🕹️ / 🛠️ Type: Game
🗃️ Genre: Strategy 👁️ Visual: 3D Top-Down
🏷️ Category: Strategy ➤ Tactical RPG ➤ MOBA 🏝️ Perspective: Third person
🔖 Tags: Action RPG; Puzzle; Adventure; Hack and Slash; Arcade; Strategy; Fantasy; Unity engine; Difficult; Local Co-op; Co-op; Online Multi; Local Multi; 4 Player Local; PvE; Controller ⏱️ Pacing: Real Time
🐣️ Approx. start: 👫️ Played: Single & Multi
🐓️ Latest: 🚦 Status: 04. Released (status)
📍️ Version: Latest: - ❤️ Like it: 9. ⏳️
🏛️ License type: 💰 Commercial 🎀️ Quality: 7. ⏳️
🏛️ License: Commercial ✨️ (temporary):
🐛️ Created: 2013-07-28 🐜️ Updated: 2024-06-22

🚦 Entry status

📰 What's new?: 👔️ Already shown:
💡 Lights on: 💭️ New version published (to be updated):
🎨️ Significant improvement: 🦺️ Work in progress:
🎖️ This work: 3 stars 🚧️ Some work remains to be done:
👫️ Contrib.: goupildb & Louis 👻️ Temporary:
🎰️ ID: 13714

📖️ Summary

📜️[en]: Welcome to the Arena. You have been forced to fight for your life with your fellow captives. Survive the dangerous trials and you may gain your freedom! One- to four-player co-op arcade adventure with puzzles and tactical elements. You are cast as slaves in the toughest fantasy gladiator school of them all, condemned to fight as a gladiator and eventually win your freedom. You will face deadly trials and huge creatures, but Balfus, your Spirit Mentor will guide you in your quest for recognition. 📜️[fr]: Forced est un jeu de combats en arènes orienté vers le jeu multijoueur (jusqu'à 4) en coopération bien qu'il soit également possible d'y jouer en solo. Ses auteurs le définissent comme la rencontre de Diablo avec Left 4 Dead. Bienvenue à l'arène. Vous êtes contraint de combattre pour votre vie avec vos compagnons captifs d'infortune. Survivez à ces dangereux tests et vous pourriez gagner votre liberté !

🎥️ Videos

🎲️ Gameplay: (202xxx♺), (202xxx♺), [fr](202xxx♺),

🕸️ Links

🏡️ Website & videos
[Homepage] [Dev site] [Features/About] [Screenshots] [Videos t(202xxx♺) t(202xxx♺) t(202xxx♺) t(202xxx♺) t(202xxx♺) r(202xxx♺) r(202xxx♺) r(202xxx♺) r(202xxx♺) r(202xxx♺) r(202xxx♺) g(202xxx♺) g(202xxx♺) g(202xxx♺) g(202xxx♺) g(202xxx♺) g(202xxx♺) g(202xxx♺) g(202xxx♺) g[fr](202xxx♺) g[fr](202xxx♺) g[de](202xxx♺) g[ru](202xxx♺) g[pl](202xxx♺) g[cz](202xxx) g[sp](202xxx) g[pt](202xxx♺) g[pt](202xxx♺) g[it](202xxx♺) g[tr](202xxx) g[fi] g] [WIKI] [FAQ] [RSS] [Changelog 1 2 3]

💰 Commercial
[Kickstarter (Funding Successful)] [Humble Store] [Steam]

🍩️ Resources
(empty, license): [Homepage] [Dev site] 🎬️ g(202xxx)

🛠️ Technical informations

🦣️ Social
Devs (BetaDwarf [fr] [en]): [Site 1 2] [Chat] [mastodon] [Facebook] [PeerTube] [YouTube] [PressKit] [Interview 1(202xxx) 2(202xxx)]
The Project: [Blog] [Chat] [Forums] [mastodon] [Facebook] [PeerTube] [YouTube] [PressKit] [reddit] [Discord]

🐝️ Related
[Wikipedia (Forced) [fr] [en]]

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🕵️ Reviews

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📚️ Name is a

📕 Description [en]

📜️ "blabla" 📜️

Welcome to the Arena

You have been forced to fight for your life with your fellow captives. Survive the dangerous trials and you may gain your freedom!

One- to four-player co-op arcade adventure with puzzles and tactical elements. You are cast as slaves in the toughest fantasy gladiator school of them all, condemned to fight as a gladiator and eventually win your freedom. You will face deadly trials and huge creatures, but Balfus, your Spirit Mentor will guide you in your quest for recognition.
Don't miss the cool pdf with features and images! (Game overview to the left)

🌍️ Wikipedia:

Forced is a single-player and co-op action role-playing game developed by BetaDwarf, released in October 2013 for Windows, OS X and Linux through the Steam platform as well as Wii U. It is about gladiators fighting for their freedom in a fantasy arena and are assisted by a spirit-like character called Balfus. Gameplay consists of selecting a weapon class and abilities to combat the various enemies of each arena, while solving puzzles using the help of Balfus. BetaDwarf was formed by a small group of students in 2011, who began developing the game in an unused classroom in Aalborg University – Copenhagen, Denmark. They were removed months later and launched a successful Kickstarter campaign involving an Imgur picture which documented their progress. Forced received moderate to favorable reviews with most critics praising its competitive gameplay and puzzle-system. The game's weak plot, technical glitches and excess difficulty were the negative highlights. It won the Level Up 2013 Intel award and BetaDwarf received the Danish Developer Of The Year (2013) for it.


Forced is an action role-playing game having a top-down view for up to four players in the combat arena. Players have to select a weapon, which have 16 unlockable abilities each, similar to a character class. Though single player mode is also available, the game is mostly about cooperative gameplay by selecting a weapon class and abilities which complement the other players', while combating demons of various sizes and solving environmental puzzles—using a will-o-wisp-like companion called Balfus the Spirit Mentor.

There are four weapon classes: the Storm Bow, the Volcanic Hammer, the Spirit Knives, and the Frost Shield; each have the tactical roles of a long range attacker, slow melee attacker, fast melee attacker and a tank respectively. The active and passive abilities available for each class allow some form of customization. The weapon class and selected abilities (which also have cooldowns) can be changed before the start of any arena level. Each player must choose a different weapon class. Balfus can be made to interact with the environment's spiritual plane by ordering him to activate or trigger props like healing pedestals or set off a stunning blast from traps. He can travel with the characters, float in space or can be called to their location. Good positioning and communication will help the players use Balfus efficiently; the need to do this while facing waves of enemies, makes the game more challenging.

Gems are rewarded after completion of each arena trial. They can be used to enhance the weapons by unlocking more ability slots and new abilities at regular intervals. Each trial contains three gems as a reward. The first requires completion, the second is a specific challenge and the third is a time trial. If the arena boss is too difficult, it is possible to complete all these challenges to earn extra gems. Forced has a Mark Combat System, where weapons cause marks on the enemies. Greater number of marks cause certain abilities to have better effects, thus making it more effective to hit a group of enemies a few times before using an ability, rather than using it at the start. Though the difficulty increases in proportion to the number of players and sharing Balfus needs communication between them, multiplayer is easier and lets the player focus on specific abilities and tactical roles instead of being forced to cover every possibility in single player; also, if a player dies, the trial can be completed as long as another survives till the end.


The players are cast as slaves who are forced to fight in a fantasy gladiator arena, which is reason for the game title. The slaves are from a village where people are bred solely to be gladiators and fight for the pleasure of demon types to win their freedom. The players have the help of Balfus, a Spirit Mentor, and need to overcome the challenges and defeat the guardians of each arena. Spirit Mentors guide gladiators through the arena and Balfus is revealed to have done so for previous dead gladiators before the player. Balfus remains the source of drama since the protagonists are silent throughout the game and the antagonists do not go beyond taunting them.

In their first arena fight, they defeat the guardian called "Wrathhoof", who refuses to accept defeat to let them pass to the next arena. Despite Balfus' warning that this would be against the rules, Wrathhoof continues to attack the players who then kill him. The players and Balfus try to keep this murder of a guardian a secret and embark to the next arena, where the next guardian Slarth, discovers what they did. Slarth and the next guardian Graw are revealed to be former gladiators themselves and Balfus, their mentor. The players then defeat and kill Slarth. On killing Graw, Balfus decides to end this gladiator event by killing the remaining guardian Mordar and the final guardian called "The Master".

📕 Description [fr]

Un jeu de combats en arènes orienté multijoueur en coopération, par le studio BetaDwarf.
Il utilise le moteur Unity.

Forced est un jeu de combats en arènes orienté vers le jeu multijoueur (jusqu'à 4) en coopération bien qu'il soit également possible d'y jouer en solo.
Ses auteurs le définissent comme la rencontre de Diablo avec Left 4 Dead.

Bienvenue à l'arène.
Vous êtes contraint de combattre pour votre vie avec vos compagnons captifs d'infortune. Survivez à ces dangereux tests et vous pourriez gagner votre liberté !

Dans ce jeu, vous oeuvrez avec vos amis pour réussir dans des tentatives de plus en plus dangereuses sur un ensemble varié d'arènes. A mesure que votre équipe rafle des victoires, vous aurez la chance de monter en niveau et de personnaliser vos compétences via 4 armes différentes. Si vous aimez les combats au rythme effréné, l'expérimentation de compétences et les systèmes de jeux favorisant l'esprit d'équipe, dans ce cas Forced pourrait bien être un jeu pour vous.

🕵️ Test [fr]

💡️ Commentaires généraux:
Le studio est parvenu à lever les fonds nécessaire sur le site Kickstarter, son développement est achevé..

Kickstarter est un site de sponsoring de projets permettant - en ce qui concerne les jeux, aux joueurs et aux développeurs de financer le développement de jeux sans le carcan des maisons d'édition. Les studios obtiennent le pré-financement de leur production, les joueurs bénéficient d'avantages proportionnels au montant de leur participation (tarif avantageux, personnalisations, ...) sans garantie de résultat.

Date de sortie :
Financement bouclé début Décembre 2012 (65K$ sur Kickstarter).
Sur Kickstarter nous pouvons lire "Estimated Delivery: Feb 2013".

Le jeu est sorti sur Steam (en retard) le 24 octobre 2013.