orDrumbox - Le Bottin des Jeux Linux


🗃️ Specifications

📰 Title: orDrumbox 🕹️ / 🛠️ Type: Tool
🗃️ Genre: Development 👁️ Visual: 2D
🏷️ Category: Development ➤ Audio Production ➤ Drum / Percussions 🏝️ Perspective: First person (interface)
🔖 Tags: Development; Audio Production; Drum ⏱️ Pacing: Real Time
🐣️ Approx. start: 👫️ Played: Single
🐓️ Latest: 2014-05-27 🚦 Status: 04. Released (status)
📍️ Version: Latest: 0.9.08 / Dev: r1255 ❤️ Like it: 9. ⏳️
🏛️ License type: 🕊️ Libre 🎀️ Quality: 7. ⏳️
🏛️ License: GPL-2 ✨️ (temporary):
🐛️ Created: 2014-06-15 🐜️ Updated: 2024-06-22

📦️ Deliverables

📦️ Package name: ..... 📦️ Arch:
📄️ Source: ✓ ..... 📦️ RPM:
⚙️ Generic binary: ✓ ..... 📦️ Deb:
🌍️ Browser version: ..... 📦️ AppImage:
📱️ PDA support: ..... 📦️ Flatpak:
✨️ Not use: ..... 📦️ Snap:

🚦 Entry status

📰 What's new?: 👔️ Already shown:
💡 Lights on: 💭️ New version published (to be updated):
🎨️ Significant improvement: 🦺️ Work in progress:
🎖️ This work: 3 stars 🚧️ Some work remains to be done:
👫️ Contrib.: goupildb & Louis 👻️ Temporary:
🎰️ ID: 14332

📖️ Summary

📜️[en]: a free drum machine software, designed to be as creative as possible with unusual features 📜️[fr]: Un logiciel de percussions libre, conçu pour être aussi créatif que possible avec des caractéristiques inhabituelles

🎥️ Videos

🎲️ Gameplay: (202xxx), (202xxx), [fr](202xxx),

🕸️ Links

🏡️ Website & videos
[Homepage] [Dev site] [Features/About] [Screenshots] [Videos t(202xxx) t(202xxx) t(202xxx) t(202xxx) t(202xxx) t(202xxx) g(202xxx) g(202xxx)] [WIKI] [FAQ] [RSS] [Changelog 1 2]

💰 Commercial
[Support their work (Donate)]

🍩️ Resources
[orDrumbox (Drum Kits)]

🛠️ Technical informations
[Open Hub] [orDrumbox (Drum Loops)]

🦣️ Social
Devs (ordrumbox team [fr] [en]): [Site 1 2] [Chat] [mastodon] [PeerTube] [YouTube] [PressKit] [Interview 1(202xxx) 2(202xxx)]
The Project: [Blog] [Forums] [mastodon] [PeerTube] [YouTube] [PressKit] [reddit] [Discord]

🐝️ Related

📦️ Misc. repositories
[Repology] [pkgs.org] [Generic binary] [Arch Linux / AUR] [openSUSE] [Debian/Ubuntu] [Flatpak] [AppImage(author's repo)] [Snap] [PortableLinuxGames]

🕵️ Reviews
[HowLongToBeat] [metacritic] [OpenCritic] [iGDB]

🕊️ Source of this Entry: [Site (date)]

🦣️ Social Networking Update (on mastodon)

🛠️ Title:
🦊️ What's:
📖 Our entry: https://www.lebottindesjeuxlinux.tuxfamily.org/en/online/lights-on/

🥁️ Update:
📌️ Changes:
🦣️ From: 🛜️

🏝️ https://www.youtube.com/embed/
🦉️ https://www.youtube.com/embed/
🦝️ https://www.youtube.com/embed/
🦝️ https://www.youtube.com/embed/
🕵️ https://www.youtube.com/embed/
🎲️ https://www.youtube.com/embed/
🎲️ https://www.youtube.com/embed/
🎲️ https://www.youtube.com/embed/
🎲️[fr] https://www.youtube.com/embed/
🎮️ https://www.youtube.com/embed/
🎮️ https://www.youtube.com/embed/


📚️ Name is a

📕 Description [en]

📜️ "blabla" 📜️

The orDrumbox is a free drum machine software, designed to be as creative as possible with unusual features : auto-composition, polyrythmes, unusual arpeggiator, automatic sounds/track matching , custom softsynths, lowfi rendering, etc.

This tools can compose bass line and complete songs using included drum kits with the audio sequencer functions.

📕 Description [fr]

Un logiciel de percussions libre, conçu pour être aussi créatif que possible avec des caractéristiques inhabituelles, par la ordrumbox team.
En Java.

orDrumbox est un logiciel de percussions libre, conçu pour être aussi créatif que possible avec des caractéristiques inhabituelles : l'auto-composition, des polyrythmes, un arpégiateur inhabituel, des sons / pistes automatiques adaptatifs, des synthétiseurs personnalisés, un rendu lowfi (dégradé), etc ...
Ces outils peuvent composer une ligne de basse et des chansons complètes en utilisant des kits de batteries inclus avec les fonctions du séquenceur audio.