It provides a Gimp-like interface with a window for the tools and lets you configure each view in an independant window, or the 3 standard views (front, side, up) in a single window. It also shows a window with the tree of the scene and the objects' parameters.
Current features :
- CSG (Union, merge, intersection and difference)
- Finite Solid Objects: box, sphere, cone, cylinder, heightfield, torus and "super elipsiod".
- Infinite Solid Objects: plane.
- Finite Non Solid Objects: disc, triangle mesh, surface of revolution, Quadric.
- Light Objects : point light.
- Atmospheric Objects: background.
- Transformations : rotate, scale and translations directly from the mouse or the keyboard.
- Display on 4 view (including camera view) with Goureaud shading.
- Rendering using POVFRONT.
- Same file format as POV-Ray (but only part of the code language supported by Giram).
- Import/export in DXF format.
- Import from 3DS format (through 3DSlib) and GTS format (GNU Triangulated Surface).
Latest news (December 2003) state that the author is fully reviewing the code source of Giram. A CVS version has been publicly opened in order to follow more easily the development of Giram and let those who want to contribute to it to do so.