Written by Olivier Saraja (olivier_at_linuxgraphic.org)
English version
OK, that's it. You have just installed povray and kpovmodeler, and now you already want to start without much knowledge of any of the two softwares. Here we go now: if you follow the steps of this tutorial, you'll be able to set the ultimate simple scene, very widespread among the newbies: a sphere over a plane.
At any time you can render your scene using one of the following methods:
Using the menu: Display > Render
Using the toolbar: click on the
but you should carefully consider the following warnings before complaining if all you get is a black screen. If this is the very first time you use a 3D software, you should be aware of these golden rules:
(1) If you set no camera, no rules apply to the render engine which can't render a proper picture, ending in a black picture.
(2) If you set no light system, all your scene is in the dark, ending in a black picture.
(3) The objects for which no material has been set won't show on the rendered picture, ever.